Can you hear St Paul: The law is written on paper or on the body, the Law/Scripture cannot justify man, he says, O reader! “I was crucified with Christ. I no longer live, Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and sacrificed himself for me. I have not invalidated God's grace. For if justification could be achieved through the Law, then Christ would have died in vain.”
Tayfun Pirselimoğlu, the author of Album of the Missing Persons, is a great master of allegory and irony. This last novel of the Album of the Missing Persons, whose first and last chapters are the same, but whose "middle" is different, is a sad, giant allegory. Good reading…
-Ahmet ÖZ
1st Edition:
Publisher: İthaki Publications
First Edition Year: 2014
Page Count: 256 pages
Language: Turkish
Barcode: 9786053753469
2nd Edition:
Publisher: Communication publishing
Page Count: 271
First Edition Year: 2005
Number of Editions: 4th Edition
Language: Turkish
Barcode: 9789750534935
Author: Tayfun Pirselimoglu
Editor: Emre Bayin
Cover: Suat Aysu
Drawing on the Cover: Tayfun Pirselimoğlu
Application: Husnu Abbas
Correction: Begüm Hazar Keleş
Printing: Ayhan Printing House