Everyone sees a city's path, history, geography, sea, social life, changes, types of people, atmosphere, natural beauties, forgotten values, food and beverage culture, night and day, summer and winter, folklore, entertainment life, and a thousand other features in their own way. A historian, a geographer, a tourist, a soldier, a teacher, sees from a different perspective and wants to write from his own point of view.
But literary writers approach their city with a sensitivity. They look at their surroundings with the eyes of the heart. They put themselves in the shoes of different people, try to feel them with their hearts… When the author writes, many people find their own feelings in that piece. The writer also wants to remember what was written before him…
Based on this idea, Trabzon's twenty-two literary writers wrote about twenty-two districts of Trabzon. This twenty-two-book series is of high value in terms of being a first and witnessing the last fifty years of Trabzon. It is a collective gift of its authors to the city.
Publisher: Heyamola Publications
First Edition Year: 2011
Page Count: 112 pages
Language: Turkish
Barcode: 9786055419554