Anything can happen in this book. At night, unfortunate pits can appear that grow slowly, emitting hums. Sad rhinos wash up on the wrong shores. People go to jail for books they didn't write. Forbidden words torment the owners of spilled lips. Journeys end in endless deserts…
Tayfun Pirselimoğlu describes the uncanny realms full of strangeness and the inhabitants of these realms, who are constantly uneasy, in a uniquely humorous way. The Other Side of the Desert, stories free of time and space... Strange slices of lives we think we're familiar with.
“Could the destination we reach at the end of all this time be this desert that we have come to and based on?”
Publisher: İletişim Publishing
First Edition Year: 2018
Page Count: 163 pages
Edition: 1st Edition
Language: Turkish
Barcode: 9789750525339
Author: Tayfun Pirselimoglu
Editor: Levent Cantek
Prepared for Publication by: Duygu Çayırcıoğlu
Cover design: Suat Aysu
Application: Husnu Abbas
Correction: Gunes Akkor
Printing: Ayhan Printing House
Volume: Guven Bookbinder